Article in German from BI-Spektrum 05/2019: Many problems in BI have their root in the delivery of data. Often not even the word interface is used for this important transfer of data. An inadequately designed interface causes massive extra work, because undelivered data has to be calculated or requested later. Systematic gaps can even cause a permanent loss of information. In addition, there is little standard literature on the design of interfaces and usually even less willingness to invest energy and money in the development of interfaces to BI. In this article of the BI Spektrum, requirements for an interface, the different forms of interfaces and their effect on the loading of data intoBI and the handling of deletions are presented.
Below you will find the article from the 05/2019 issue of BI Spektrum:
BI braucht funktionierende Datenschnittstellen – Datenlieferungen an BI